I have received a photography award from ViewBug.com
The “Best in Show” Award ($1500) for the photograph ”In Her Dreams, She Catch At Shadows” in 42nd Annual Open Photography Exhibition of Salmagundi Club, New York, NY

Audubon Artists Silver Medal of Honor and $ 300 for the 'Infanta' sculpture at the Audubon Artists 78th Annual Exhibit at Salmagundi Club, New York, NY
Still Life exhibition curated by Nancy McCrary at the South x Southeast Gallery and on the pages of the South x Southeast photomagazine.
September 15 - October 31
Opening Reception September 26th 10a-2p
The South x Southeast Gallery. 945 McCrary Road, Molena, Georgia
September 15 - October 31
Opening Reception September 26th 10a-2p
The South x Southeast Gallery. 945 McCrary Road, Molena, Georgia
One of my photo is on display at The Shadow Aspect in Praxis Gallery and Photographic Arts Center. Minneapoils, MN
Photo series "Mysterious City" has won the Honorable Mention in the Conceptual category in the MonoVisions Photography Awards 2020.
Photo has been selected from 1469 submitted works to LoosenArt to take part in the exhibition 'The Performer' that will be held during the 2nd - 10th November 2020 in Rome city.
One of my paper works is exhibiting at WORKS ON PAPER at a non-profit organization Local Project Art Space in Long Island City, New York
Photo has won the Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Still Life Category in the 14th Pollux Awards exhibition at the Gallery FotoNostrum, Barcelona, Spain
The exhibition took place in March 2020.