Gallerium, an organization based in Canada, organized the MELANCHOLY exhibition. One of my photographs taken in Guatemala was included in this show.

"All is Bright". Group Exhibition in The Morean Arts Center, St. Petersburg, FL

At the moment, several of my 3D works are presented in the permanent exhibition Florida CraftArt Gallery, St. Petersburg, Florida.
The 81st Annual Exhibition of Audubon Artists Inc. New York, NY
Some time ago, I decided to take part in a photo exhibition, the idea of which was to show the image of a woman in her mature years - to show her activity, her contribution to the lives of people around her. I chose my wife Tanya as such a woman, and my granddaughter Zaya as the object of her activity. What can I say, a lot of photos have accumulated - there are plenty to choose from. Sent some photos and... forgot about it. But, the other day, the very news came that I want to share: all my works went to a virtual exhibition and one of them, having received the Honorable Mention Award, was among the 19 winning works. All of these 19 photographs will be exhibited "physically" at the mosaicArts Gallery Fairfax VA, USA
And all the works can be viewed at a virtual exhibition here
5 of my sculptures now shown at the REBELS exhibition at the CraftArt Florida gallery, St.Petersburg The exhibition will run until August 26, 2023.